📺 Watch Experts Discuss AI Cybersecurity at SOTN

AI Policy and Intelligence at SOTN

AI’s implications for cybersecurity cannot be overstated. Last month experts and officials on the front lines addressed threats and solutions before packed audiences. In case you missed it, watch Department of Homeland Security’s Undersecretary Rob Silvers’ keynote fireside chat as well as Heather West’s panel “Intelligent Threats: Understanding AI’s Impact on Cybersecurity Policy.”

Our panel on AI’s impact on cybersecurity policy delved into the complex intersection of Artificial Intelligence and cybersecurity, uncovering the dual nature of AI’s progress in safeguarding systems while also introducing new vulnerabilities. During the session, our experts, Austin CarsonAlissa StarzakGrace Abuhamad, and Charley Snyder engaged in lively debates regarding the implications of AI-powered security measures, exchanged insights on effective strategies to counter AI-related threats, and proposed comprehensive policy frameworks tailored to our rapidly evolving AI landscape. Furthermore, the panelists addressed concerns surrounding the integrity of AI datasets and models, particularly focusing on the potential risks posed by malicious actors. 

The Honorable Robert Silvers, Under Secretary for Policy at the Department of Homeland Security talks with Shane Tews, President of Logan Circle Strategies about his role in the Department. With extensive experience in cybersecurity, The Honorable Robert Silvers shared insights from his previous roles in the Obama administration, emphasizing the vast scope of DHS’s responsibilities. He discussed the Biden administration’s focus on AI, stressing the importance of literacy and proficiency among agency staff. Under Secretary Silvers highlighted the potential of AI to enhance security measures, citing examples such as detecting fentanyl shipments and improving airport screening. Despite acknowledging the competitive landscape with China, Under Secretary Silvers emphasized the need for democratic governance in shaping AI’s usage. The discussion further delved into the dual nature of AI’s impact on cybersecurity, emphasizing the importance of robust defense strategies. Under Secretary Silvers highlighted the progress made in cybersecurity readiness, citing the example of Ukraine’s successful defense against cyber attacks during geopolitical tensions. Looking ahead, the Under Secretary expressed excitement about AI’s potential to streamline tasks and level the playing field for individuals, fostering creativity and innovation.