📣 More Panels: 🧑💻 Emerging Tech, 📶 Broadband Competition, and 🪪 Deepfakes
We are so close to State of the Net, and we are excited to announce our final set of speakers and panels. You can learn more about our panels here, and checkout the panelists below.
State of the Net is on Tuesday, February 11th. Register now!
Emerging Tech Under Trump

Diane Rinaldo
Executive Director
Open RAN

John Mitchell
Senior Manager, Government Affairs

Kristin Smith
Chief Executive Officer
Blockchain Association
Blockchain Association

Matt Perault
Head of AI Policy

Miranda Nazzaro
Technology Reporter
The Hill
The Hill
Revisiting Broadband Competition: Is New Federal Framework Needed?

Nathan Leamer
Chief Executive Officer
Fixed Gear Strategies
Fixed Gear Strategies

Michael O’Rielly
Strategic Advisor & Advocate

Angie Kronenberg
President & CEO
Sligo Solutions LLC
Sligo Solutions LLC
Kathryn de Wit
Project Director, Broadband Access Initiative
The Pew Charitable Trusts
The Pew Charitable Trusts
Kelcee Griffis
Telecom Reporter
Bloomberg News
Bloomberg News
Deepfakes and the Digital Self: Legislation, Innovation, Or Cooperation?
Rick Lane
Chief Executive Officer
Iggy Ventures, LLC
Iggy Ventures, LLC
Jeremy Grant
Better Identity Coalition
Better Identity Coalition
Shoshana Weissmann
Director of Policy Engagement
Carnegie Mellon University
Carnegie Mellon University
Jamie Susskind
Legislative Director
Office of Sen. Blackburn
Office of Sen. Blackburn
Natalie Alms
Staff Reporter