Internet Governance at State of the Net | IANA, U.N. and EU Safe Harbor Speakers Announced

We invite you to continue these conversations at the 12th Annual State of the Net Internet Policy Conference on January 25, 2016. Internet governance expert George Sadowsky is serving as the strategic advisor to the State of the Net Planning committee to help navigate these issues for the conference. The panels will offer a truly diverse perspective on the state of Internet governance and the issues affecting the Internet ecosystem.
Leading the discussion will be Bertrand de la Chappelle, Director of the Internet Jurisdiction Project, Alissa Cooper, Distinguished Engineer at Cisco Systems, Sanja Kelly, Project Director for Freedom on the Net at Freedom House, Jeffrey Farrah, Counsel to U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science & Transportation, Greg Shatan, President of the ICANN Intellectual Property Constituency, and George Papagiannis, UNESCO (invited).
Other Confirmed Speakers Include:
- Larry Strickling, Assistant Secretary for Communications and Information, Department of Commerce (Bio)
- Michelle Lee, Director, United States Patent & Trademark Office (Bio)
- Terrell McSweeny, Commissioner, Federal Trade Commission (Bio)
- Senator Al Franken, United States Senate (Bio)
- Chairman Bob Goodlatte, United States House Judiciary Committee (Bio)
- Deputy Secretary Christopher Lu, United States Department of Labor (Bio)
- Julie Samuels, Engine Advocacy (Bio)
- Amie Stepanovich, Access (Bio)
- Alvaro Bedoya, Center on Privacy & Technology, Georgetown University (Bio)
- Kashmir Hill, Fusion (Bio)
More speakers will be announced on a rolling basis on our website.
The State of the Net has long served as a platform for discussion surrounding the Internet infrastructure and global approaches to governance. Past speakers include Assistant Secretary Larry Strickling, ICANN President and CEO Fadi Chehade, Andrea Gloriosoof the Delegation of the European Union to the U.S., Sally Shipman Wentworth of the Internet Society, and Milton Mueller of Syracuse University.
Don’t miss out on this exclusive opportunity to hear the state of affairs from these individuals for a timely debate!