Senator Amy Klobuchar To Keynote Followed By A Panel On “Tech Competition: What Can Biden Learn From The Last Tech-ade Under Obama and Trump?”
We are pleased to announce that Senator Amy Klobuchar will keynote State of the Net. Senator Klobuchar’s comments will cover a range of tech policy issues and likely will touch upon antitrust issues. Her comments will be followed by an expert panel on antitrust and competition policy (see speakers below). Registration free and is open.
Regardless of your position on competition policy, the last decade witnessed enormous growth in Internet platforms spanning both the Obama and Trump Administrations. The COVID-induced recession may have exacerbated existing concentrations in the Internet marketplace. The Biden Administration pledges to “build back better.” Competition policy is an important part of the economic recovery for working Americans.
Our panel at State of the Net will look at competition during the Obama and Trump administrations and what lessons, if any, the new Biden competition policy officials can learn from their approaches to competition in the Internet marketplace.

U.S. Senate

Jennifer Huddleston
Director of Technology and Innovation Policy
American Action Forum

Sarah Miller
Executive Director
American Economic Liberties Project

Ashley Baker
Director of Public Policy
Committee for Justice

Charlotte Slaiman
Competition Policy Director
Public Knowledge

Leah Nylen
Antitrust Reporter